          Taiwanese seal your border help yourself and help the rest of the world Therefore, I realized that 基隆八堵鋼鐵廠 most likely a secret 兵工廠 and broken in by American werewolves - USA national dark side machine CIA planted underground chained slavery terrors force inside every corner in Taiwan and around the world after WWII. That how your 21世紀房屋仲介entire Taiwan all rich and famous must be American werewolves or American werewolves slaves. You are my generation (I was born in 1950, therefore, if you were born in or after 1937, you are my gereration or younger than my generation ) or younger than my generatio 系統傢俱n, you are slaved by American werewolves when you were youngest, when you were in the place of powerless, helpless, weak sick wicked, it was not your fault; however, when you dare show up in front of TV screen to speak, to voice; when you dare stand up in the classroom to tea 信用卡代償ch to work; when you dare be the boss to use your money or skill or idea to hire anyone to work for you; when you dare occupy any public office to eat public fund to act like Chinese said "Ren.Sun.Ren", you still slaved by American werewolves, or you are real American werewolves (Because American werewo 房屋二胎lves are the oldest Democratic form, American werewolves is older than any Communist form, therefore, American werewolves kill any Communist people darkly, kill any Taiwanese darkly, must have no way to escape "Ten.Want.Wheel.Wheel") killed Taiwanese darkly and taken over the ID that real Taiwanese left behind, you (If 西裝you don't have that good luck to be killed, you don't have that desperate to commit suicide, you have to do whatever it takes to make up your crime. What you can do is to demand your law makers to order your Taiwan military to seal the border, anyone wants to leave can be allowed to leave with empty hands, once you leave/left Taiwan be 禮服hind, you must not be allowed back Taiwan again; because every one of you Taiwanese has American werewolves tie, therefore, seal your border to cut the tie <If you are unwilling or unable to seal your border, you have to do whatever it takes to bomb entire Continent of America with nuclear power, no matter you deliver that nuclear weapon inside USA or from T 室內設計aiwan or any other place to free yourself and the rest of world out of American werewolves hells. Do not follow American werewolves to murder anyone who is less rich than you or less powerful than you or younger than you, if you do, you have no way to win any battle ground openly; that means even you taken over the entire world darkly, you can only meet the most horrible crime scene to 買屋be burned down by the hottest Sun along with your entire Earth.> out of the rest of the world is your only survive light. You are public worker, you own public power, you have no right plot your powerless private citizen or anyone less powerful than you, therefore, you have no right to try to move anyone from Mainland China trying to follow American werewolves low lower lowest to copycat Americ 會場佈置an werewolves dark hair standing crimes.) must wish yourself to be killed immediately. Anyone was born before 1937 in Taiwan still alive now, must be killed immediately, because that anyone must be American werewolf, or phony Taiwanese that real Taiwanese already murdered by American werewolves darkly.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 票貼  .

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